The Years of Turbulence
Military Life


Soviet Military Life

This section will feature pictures, history, stories, and other facets of Soviet military life during the period between 1938 and 1940. Currently we have very few things here, but more will be added as time permits.



Soviet Military Statistics

The years after the Great Purges showed a vast rearming of the demoralized Red Army.  Within a few years its size had tripled.  New weapons such as the SVT-40 and M-1938 light mortar were rushed to the army.  In some cases these would be found to be inadequate, and replacements would not be soon in coming.


Strength of Armed Forces









Red Army Close Combat Manual

Here is a Red Army manual dealing with close combat situations.  This 232 page hard cover book covers combat training with the bayonet, entrenching tool, how to maneuver under combat conditions, and how to throw grenades from a variety of positions.


Military Life
of 1930-1937

Return to
The Wars of 1938-1940

Military Life
from 1941-1945