Warrant Officer of Medical Forces |
The Officer is Wearing: She is also wearing a field medical pouch and a red cross arm band designating her as a field medic. It is important to note that warrant officers, sergeants and soldiers wear a sleeve patch on the jacket (under the red cross armband). Officers do not. |
More about the uniform: This picture here shows a close up of the collar tabs and shoulder boards. In this picture you can see the subdued green stars used on the senior warrant officer's shoulder boards. The subdued green color of the medical collar tab device can also be seen.
This Uniform Replaced... | M-69 Walking Out Dress Uniform | This Uniform was Replaced by... |
Uncertain at Present | M-94 Ladies Field Uniform |
Rules and Regulations for the Wearing of Military Uniforms, by the Soviet Ministry of Defense , published in 1988
Inside the Soviet Army Today, Osprey Elite Series, by Steven J. Zaloga, illustrated by Ron Volstad, published in 1987