DKP-50A Dosimeter in pictures |
This section has many high detail pictures of the DKP-50A dosimeter. Virtually every part of the device has been photographed and described. To go to a specific part of the dosimeter simply click on the desired section below. | |
Viewing Lens In this picture both the viewing lens and retaining clip can be seen. The soldier simply holds the opposite end up to a light source and looks through the lens to read the scale. |
Markings At the base of the DKP-50-A are markings. The markings on this particular model read L16. At the bottom of the photograph you can also see the transparent charger cover. |
This picture shows another view of the DKP-50-A retaining clip and its viewing lens. This clip enables the soldier to fasten the dosimeter to a breast pocket or other convenient location so that it can monitor the soldier's accumulated radiation dose as he carries out his duties.. |
Here we have two pictures of the charger port and its lens cover. This is the end that must be held up to a light source so that the scale can be read. The transparent plastic cover allows light through for viewing and protects the charging port (seen in the lower picture). When the device is to be zeroed it is this port that is connected to the charging unit. The unit receives the electric charge and the indicator line (seen above) returns to zero. |