The OB/DDDV Training Kit
in Pictures


In this photo gallery you will find many pictures of the OB/DDDV training kit.  Every part of the kit has been photographed so that a greater understanding of it can be gained.

To go to a specific part of the item simply select the section from the menu at right.

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Instruction Manuals

Here you can see the three paper manuals that are included with the OB/DDDV training kit.  The first of these (учебный набор паспорт) covers the purpose and use of the kit in training situations.

The second manual (краткое описание боевых свойств отравляющих веществ иностранных армий) is a detailed discussion of the types of chemical agents that can be deployed by a hostile force.  These are shown on the right side of the kit.

The final publication (краткое описание остовных свойств дезактивирующих. дегазирующих и дезинфицирующих веществ и растворов) gives instruction as the properties of various decontamination solutions.  These are shown in the kit on the left.

All were printed at the Red Star Printing House in Moscow.



The Training Kit Case

Here you can see the transit case that the simulated agents are contained in.  The cards containing the agents can be removed from the case by means of a rotating metal latch.  This can be seen in the picture below.

To the right is the empty case, while at the bottom right one can see the metal label that identifies the case.


Decontaminant Samples

In this section we will take a look at the card containing the decontamination agent simulants.  These are:

1) дезактивирующий порошок СФ-2У
(Decontamination Powder SF-2Y)

2) дегазирующий раствор 1
(Decontamination Solution 1)

3) дегазирующий раствор 2-ащ (2бщ)
(Decontaminating Solution 2-ASh (2BSh)

(двутретьосновная соль гипохлорита кальция)
(DTSGK - Calcium Hypochlorite Salt)

5) Сода кальцинированная
(Calcified Soda)

6) Аммоний двууглекислый
(Ammonium bicarbonate)

7) формалин
(Formalin )

8) Фенол

9) ДДТ

10) гексахлоран



Chemical Agent Samples

The opposite card contains the simulated chemical agents most likely to be encountered in the field.  These are:

1) V-газы
(V-Series agents - VX)

2) зарин
(Sarin - GB)

3) иприт
(Yperite - HD, H)

4) синильная кислота
(Hydrocyanic acid - AC)

5) фосген
(Phosgene - CG)

6) ьи-зед

7) хлорацетофенон
(Chloroacetophenone - CN)

8) Си-Эс

9) Адамсит
(Adamsite - DM)

10) Хлорпикрин
(Vomiting gas)