Bal'zam Class / Project 1826 |
This section is dedicated to more pictures of the 'Balzam' class electronic intelligence gathering ships. The pictures are the property of the Foundation and were all taken at some time when the ship was in active service. More photos will be added as they are acquired by the Foundation.
Another view of the Bal'zam AGI This picture shows the rear of the Bal'zam AGI as seen from a NATO aircraft. It offers a unique view of the intelligence gathering ship. The positions of the lifeboats and other equipment can be noted. The two large domes can be seen at the front of the ship. Unfortunately the photograph does not list when or where it was taken. |
A Bal'zam Collecting Intelligence at Sea In this large two-part photograph you can see a Bal'zam class AGI pulling alongside a US Navy target drone (known as a BQM-74C drone). Many small details (portholes, sensors, lifeboats, crewmen) can be seen on the ship. This picture was taken by the US Navy, but does not give a date or a location. |
A closer view of the Bal'zam during the recovery. Here is a third picture of the Bal'zam during the recovery operation. It more closely shows the ship and the drone. It was part of the series taken by the US Navy above, and as such it gives no date or location. |
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