Class / Project 628 |
This section is dedicated to pictures of the 'Golf' class submarine. The pictures are all authentic and were taken at some time when the submarine was in active service. Many of these pictures were taken by a sailor serving on a Golf submarine during the early 1960's. They have never been seen before in any Western publication as they came from his private photo album. They show many parts of the submarine in great detail and add greatly to our historical work. |
Close Up of the Golf II This picture was taken by the U.S. Navy in November of 1971. The details found on the sail of the Golf submarine are clearly visible. Periscopes, windows, and missile bay doors can easily be seen here. The photograph did not state where the picture was taken. |
A Golf submarine underway Here we have a declassified photograph of a Golf class submarine as it cruises on the surface. Its missile launch bays are clearly visible behind the periscope/antennae systems. This picture was taken by the US Navy on 29 April 1961, but no location was given. |
Retracting the diving planes This excellent photograph was taken in the early 1960's by a Soviet sailor. It shows many of the deck details, the sonar set, and the diving planes as they are being retracted. |
On the deck of the Golf I In this photograph you can get a feeling of what it was like to stand on the deck of the Golf I submarine and look out to sea. The hatch directly in front of the viewer is an emergency escape hatch. The dive planes can also be seen on either side of the submarine in the retracted position. At the far front of the boat is the sonar system. |
Looking back at the tower Here we have another picture from the same Golf I submarine in the picture directly above. It shows many of the crew posing for the photo as well as the arrangement of the windows. |
A close-up of the tower This picture was taken shortly after the one above. It shows many of the features on the tower. Note the drain holes under the rim that runs across the middle of the tower. You can also get a good idea of the size of the windows by looking at the crewman in the open one.
The stern of the Golf Here we have a sailor standing alongside the Soviet naval flag at the stern of the Golf submarine.
The Golf I being replenished In this picture you can see the Golf I submarine alongside a replenishment ship. Like most of the other pictures in this section this photo shows many small details of the ship's tower and hull. The free flood holes along the hull, the window arrangement, the markings on the deck, and the details at the top of the tower can all be seen quite clearly here.
On deck This sailor is on the deck of the replenishment ship in the photo above. While it is unclear if he serves on the ship or the Golf submarine in the background it still offers a great opportunity to see more of the Golf I. The sailor is also wearing the No. 3 Winter uniform for enlisted men. The numbers above his pocket denote his position on the ship and what shift he works. He should also be wearing a white hat with the name of his fleet written across the band. |
A 'Golf I' in the distance In the center of this picture you can see the sail of another Golf I submarine. As with all of the Soviet era pictures, this one did not state where or when it was taken. |