PNV-57 Night Vision Goggles
in pictures (part 2)



Photos of the PNV-57

Here are more high detail pictures of the PNV-57 night vision goggles.  These sections focus on the carry case, cables, and accessories.  To go to a specific part of the night vision device simply click on the desired section below. 

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Night Vision Goggles
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The PNV-57 Connector Cable

The power cable extending from the bottom of the power pack ends in a two prong plug.  This can be clearly seen in the top right picture.  This plug connects to the vehicle connector cable shown below.  There is also a locking ring that keeps the cable fastened to the vehicle cable.  Up to two PNV-57 headset units can connect to each vehicle connector cable. The two pictures below show how they connect.



Vehicle Connector Cable

The second power cable included with the PNV-57 is the vehicle connector cable shown in the top right picture.  This connects up to two headsets to the vehicle's power supply.  One end of the cable (shown below) is where up to two night vision sets can be plugged into, while the bottom right picture shows the plug that connects to the vehicle.


The Carrying Case

The PNV-57 is transported inside a protective metal carrying case.  The only markings on the case can be seen in the top right picture, they are the PNV-57 unit designation and a single letter.  The case has an olive green finish and is closed with two locking latches seen in the picture below.  The case is carried by means of an olive green canvas carry strap seen in the bottom right picture.

This next series of pictures shows the interior of the carry case.  In the picture to the right you can see how the unit looks when packed.  The case is held open by a locking metal support on the right side of the case.   Notice the leather strap and buckle that keeps the headset secure when being transported.  The power pack rests between two electrical posts, presumably for testing the unit.  These can be seen in the bottom left picture.

The final picture shows the inside of the carry case when empty.  The black plastic box is an integral part of the case and is where the accessories are stored.



Tools and Accessories

Located within the black plastic box are the tools and accessories that are used with the PNV-57 unit.  The box cannot be removed from the carry case and can be seen empty in the top right picture.  The picture below shows the case with all of the tools and accessories inside.

The accessories themselves can be seen in the center right picture.  They are two wrenches, a pair of tweezers, a flathead screwdriver, spare springs, cleaning tissue, and a small brush.

The four large objects are infra-red lens filters that are to be placed over the headlights of the vehicle that the PNV-57 user is operating.

The final accessories are a pair of electrical wires that are used for testing the PNV-57 unit.  They are color coded and have small clamps at each end.  When the unit is being transported these wires are kept next between the posts and the accessory box.