Navy Uniforms of the Russian Federation

From this section you can also see earlier and later period uniforms by clicking the appropriate links below.  We have found that this is quite useful for tracking the modifications and changes in a particular uniform. 
On the table, the uniforms of flag rank officers (generals and admirals) are listed on the upper portion, uniforms of other officers and michmen are listed on the middle section of the table.  Conscripts, extended service men, and cadets are shown in the bottom portion.  Special purpose uniforms such as diving suits and other protective wear is in the final section.

The Naval forces of the Soviet Union continued to use the uniforms of Prikaz 250 of 1989 after the collapse of the Soviet Union.  This was simply a practical matter as there was no money or incentive to change when more pressing matters were being dealt with.  For a time these old Soviet patterns were recognized in law until new regulations could be devised.

Change finally came in 1994 with the release of new uniform guidelines for the Russian Federation.  The changes to naval uniforms were not as dramatic as those of the army.  Naval infantry units continued to wear their traditional black berets, and the humble work uniform stayed the same.  Within a few years, these uniforms came to be decorated with a variety of colorful unit patches - a practice that was forbidden in the Soviet era. 

Formal regulation changes came again on 28 March, 1997 when the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation issued Prikaz #210.  This order saw the adoption of the new 'Flora' pattern uniforms, new patches, and several badges.  It changed a variety of uniforms, but had less effect on the navy than in other branches.



These uniforms of this period can be seen on the table below.  The uniforms of admirals and generals are described in the upper section.  Officers and michmen can be found listed in the middle of the table.  Conscripts, extended service men, and cadets are shown in the bottom part of the table.  Special purpose uniforms such as diving equipment, chemical protection suits, and the like can be found in the final section.  At the bottom of the page is a list of source material that we have used to compile information about the uniforms.

Earlier Period Naval Uniforms
Back to
Main Uniform Index
Later Period Naval Uniforms


Naval Uniforms of the Russian Federation
(1992 - 2002)


Pre-1992 1994 1998
<(earlier uniforms)

Admirals and Generals

(later uniforms)>




M-1969 Admiral No. 1
Summer Parade

M-1994 Admiral Summer
Parade No. 1 Uniform (1)

M-1969 Admiral No. 3
Summer Parade


M-1969 Admiral No. 3
Summer Each Day (in column)




 <(earlier uniforms)

Officers, Extended Servicemen, and Praporshchiks

(later uniforms)>




M-1969 Officer No. 1
Summer Parade

M-1994 Navy Officer
Summer No. 1 Parade
Uniform (1)


M-1969 Ladies Officer No. 1/2
Summer Parade

1994 Summer Officer
No. 1 & 2 Parade Uniform
(in and out of column)


1994 Summer Officer
No. 1 & 2 Parade and Each Day
(out of formation)


M-1988 Navy Officer
Summer Each Day No 1 Uniform
(Out of column, in shirt) (4)
1994 Summer Officer
No. 3 Each day Uniform
(out of column, in shirt)
M-1969 Officer No. 2 Summer Each Day (Out of Column) (4)(5)   ----->

M-1988 Officer No. 3
Summer Each Day
(In Column)

M-1969 Summer Officer
No. 3 Each Day Uniform
(Out of Column)
M-1994 No. 3 Summer
Officer Parade Uniform
(Out of Column)

M-1969 Summer Officer
No. 3 Each day Uniform

(Out of column, in dress)
1994 Summer Officer
Each day Uniform
(out of column)

M-1969 Officer Summer
Each Day Uniform
(Out of Column, in Jacket)
?? ----->

M-1969 Officer Summer Each Day
(Out of Column, in Shirt)
1994 Summer Officer Everyday
Uniform (in shirt)

M-1969 Officer Lightweight
Tropical Uniform
?? ??
M-1969 Officer Winter No. 5 Each Day Uniform (4)(5) ?? ----->

M-1988 Naval Infantry Officer No. 3 Summer (In Column) (4)
<(earlier uniforms)

Conscripts, Sergeants, and Cadets

(later uniforms)>




M-1969 Enlisted No. 1
Summer Uniform
M-1994 No. 1 & 2
Summer Parade Uniform
(in column)

M-1969 Enlisted No. 2
Summer Uniform

M-1969 Enlisted No. 3
Summer Uniform
M-1994 No. 3
Summer Parade Uniform

M-1969 Cadet No. 3 Summer
Parade-Walking Out

M-1969 Enlisted No. 4
Winter Uniform
M-1994 No. 4
Winter Parade Uniform
(out of column)

M-1969 Enlisted No. 5
Winter Uniform
M-1994 No. 5
Winter Parade Uniform
(in column)

M-1988 Naval Infantry Enlisted No. 3 Each Day (1)(4)

M-1994 Naval Infantry Everyday Summer (1)
M-1997 'Flora' Pattern
Naval Infantry Each Day Uniform (12)

M-1988 Enlisted Summer
Work Uniform
M-1994 Enlisted Summer
Each Day Uniform (6)
<(earlier uniforms)

Special Purpose Uniforms

(later uniforms)>




N-1936 Sailor's Waterproof Deck Suit (9)(10)
?? ??
VR-3 'Three Bolts' Diving Suit (7)(8) ?? ??


Works Cited

(1) Prilutskaya, N. V. and N. L. Kortunova, Военная одежда вооруженных сил ссср и россии (1917-1990) [Military clothing of the USSR and Russia (1917-1990's)], Moscow: Military Publishing, 1999.

(2) Океанский щит страны советов [Ocean Shield of the Soviet Nation], edited by P.N. Medvedev, Moscow: Planeta, 1987.

(3) Streather, Adrian, Red & Soviet military & paramilitary services: female uniforms 1941-1991, Dorchester: Veloce Publishing, 2010.

(4) Правила ношения военной формы одежды [Regulations for the wearing of military uniforms], Moscow: USSR Ministry of Defense, 1989.

(5) Правила ношения военной формы одежды [Regulations for the wearing of military uniforms], Moscow: USSR Ministry of Defense, 1973.

(6) Боенная форма одежды [Military Clothing], Moscow: Armpress Publishing House, 1997.

(7) Справочинк водолаза [Diver Manual], Moscow: Ministry of Defense, 1973.

(8) Schofield, Carey, Inside the Soviet Military, New York: Abbeville Press, 1991.

(9) Paptev, N.M., Военно-морская форма 1917-1945 [Naval Form 1917-1945], Moscow, 2001.

(10) Gazenko, V.N., Иллщстрированный справочник торпедные катера  [Illustrated directory of torpedo boats], Moscow: Astral, 2002.

Last Updated 7 January 2019 by Ryan Stavka